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Friday, September 10, 2010

People Watching as A Spectator Sport

Ever think of the social evolution of the human condition, say over the last 20 years.  With the advent of newer technology (reverse engineered from the UFO in Area 51, no doubt)? I mean say something as innocuous as the cell phone.  Yes I know it is a much maligned device and as much as we all rant and rave over its impact on driving conditions, personal space, common decency and respect issues (not to mention the inhibiting effect it has on the movie going audience)  it has become an integral part of how we all interact.  I have often times enough been guilty of riding my bike home, single handed while talking to my wife, only to find myself still on the bloody thing as I walk up to her upon arrival, give her a kiss, say goodbye and hang-up!  But I'm speaking of those of us who seem to not posses what i would call tact, much less discretion.  Case in point.  I'm standing at the Subway counter, next to the shop, awaiting my 2 coffees (by this time its hot enough outside to warrant ice-coffee) As Mohammad is brewing a fresh pot, I happen to notice a sharply dressed business type pacing back and forth outside engaged in a rather heated discussion.  It is then apparent that the over all sound-proof quality of the plate glass window leaves something to be desired.  But it is not only the octave level, but the body English.  He's actually gesturing wildly (must be French) with his hands, really throwing himself into the role!  And I have to pause and wonder, at what point did it become socially acceptable (much less legal) to allow yourself to share your personal squabbles with the general population.  If their were another person in front of you engaging in the same behavior the paddy wagon would almost assuredly show up to clean house!
Just another useless, rambling observation (bet your sorry you wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this)
Well anyway!  Now for some fun!!!
Our newest weekly feature!!!
$20.00 TRIVIA!!!
Here's the skinny: I ask you an obscure trivia question, you read it (then tell yourself "Man, this guy's WHACKED!")  Then send your educated guess via. the comments section of the blog, don't forget to include your name and e-mail address, and the first person to get it right gets $20.00...CASH! (well it's better n' a kick in the face with a golf shoe!) So for this weeks Question:
In what song (and which movie) did the following passage occur:
"we hope you like our story,
although there isn't one,
that is to say there's many,
that way it is more fun!"
So put on your thinking caps and give it a try (I dare ya to try and find it on google) I look forward to seeing your answers!

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