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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

...Often not to take it.

Lets be honest with one another, shall we.  Even as an evolved species both physically, and mentally but socially as well we would like to feel we are above such base instincts (at least we fudge the facade the best we can) But simply put deep down in our primeval selves lurks a creature so vile, so reprehensible that we deny its existence out of sheer self preservation.  Sequestering it to the dark recesses of our self conscience.  But there it waits, lurking ever vigilant its slavering toothy grin seeking, biding its time for its opportunity to sink its razor sharp canines into our...
Funny bone!
(switch gears at the end didn't I)
We all (save an enlightened few) find humor in others suffering and misfortune, just look at the movies and TV shows we watch.  The Tabloids blaring headlines we all savor as we stand in the grocery checkout, or Fox News (if that's not a clear sign that demons lurk amongst us, I don't know what is!) So it is with that knowledge I relay this little tale to you.  The hapless foil of our true life tale is, yours truly.
After awaking this morning at 5.30 to usher in a new school day, and to top of Izy;s tank, I sought respite on the lanai with (you guessed it) my favorite coffee mug.
(segue to sub-plot)
Whilst cherishing my nectar, I gleefully watch as Nina  (the latest addition to our feline family) played with her mom.  Sitting on the gold recliner with mama cat trying to vie for space as well, young Nina was mistakenly pushed from her perch, flumpping on the floor.  Little misses  look of "What the Hey!?" was precious. Promptly jumping down to lick young Nina's wounds it was a moment to cherish
Side note; Nina is the Daughter of Little Miss, and Raptor (Little Misses brother) is Nina's Father, Little Miss, and Raptor are the children of Mama Cat, who after the birth of Nina took over duties as Nina's mother (I am not going to begin to try and tally the family tree on this one!) Whole thing sounds like a Shakespearean tale of the Royal Family!
(fade to black: return to main story plot)
After getting the children ready, and promptly delivered to the cafeteria door, I set out on my morning sojourn.  Most morning as the chitterlings have to be there by 8.00 am I'm given 1.45 for my morning ride.  This Morning I headed south/east.  45 minutes out 45 minutes back (giving myself a 15 minute safety) before opening at 10.00am.
Now whenever I talk to folks about there intentions of beginner  riding for leisure or commute I always try and advise them that an invaluable accessory to any bike is a tool pouch (wrench, Allen set, tire spoon and 2 spare tubes, and small air pump wouldn't hurt either)  Well guess which idiot didn't heed his own advice (wow! you're good!) soooo, I'm standing on the sidewalk, cursing my own idiocy 40 minutes from the shop, questioning myself on what to do next. Upon realizing I was within a short distance of another bike shop I reluctantly set out to fix my flat.  Upon entering the store I made my way to the service department (They have an actual "Department", not a dungeon. After inquiring "how much to replace a flat tube" there answer was $14.00 plus tax ($20.00 if I want thorn resistant) OY! Well, I'm sorry I know you can accuse me of being self righteous, but when I look at the tube their charging $6.00 for is the same that I'm charging $4.00 for, doesn't seem like much, But they charge $8.00 Labor?  I thought the $3.00 we charge was to much (although my mechanics would slap me for saying) I mean come on even a partially skilled mechanic is gonna take less then 10 minutes to do the switch.  That equates to $48.00 plus an hour!  So here I am semi-stranded (how many poor souls have suffered the same fate) and face with the options do I spend the money and have it fixed here or do I hump my wounded Schwinn back to my shop in the ever increasing humidity and do it myself.  Well... I used some of the $14.00 bucks I saved and bought myself a water.
In the end this was a round about way of apologizing for opening late this morning.

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