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Sunday, September 26, 2010

About Last Night...

OK...I am not a young man any more.  Lets just put that on the table!  Broke a few Dietary no-no's last night (as I said "while the wife's away...) CLEARLY she knows what she's talking about! IE; No dinner after 9 pm, DON"T recline after eating, and NO DORITOS'S...OY!  Broke all three last night! Thank heavens for my regiment of acidophiles!  Also, when exactly had I lost the ability to do an all-nighter?  Our MST3K movie marathon broke up at about 1.30 am.  Although it was the boys who Conked out first.  But I will proudly say that they have just as much the warped sense of humor as their old man.  They were in hysterics!  Also as a side note, mamma's comin' home today! YAY!!! and as a surprise bonus I was awoken this morning by the cacophonous sound of children...CLEANING?!?!?  Yea, knock me over with a feather!  But I had made it known last night (although relegating the statement to the halls of "In Vain") that the house was to be cleaned today.  They actually took me SERIOUS!
Well, as they are busy so shall I be, Have to motivate and get out more goodies!  So stay tuned....


  1. any chace u have a black bike in ur inventory -

    i called the store earlier 2day - will pop by 2morrow - let me know if u have a black bike - x's V.

  2. Not currently, but they are quite common. What style of bike are you looking for we cand always build and paint one to suit you.
