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Monday, September 13, 2010

Another Pointless Rant!

I could write paragraphs on the subject, but as I'm sure everyone (except stockholders growing fat on monthly re-turns) would understand my disgust when I say 2 words, "Progress Energy!"  Now I understand as a household of 8 people we use more then our fair share of electricity...But $653.00!!!  SICK! So needless to say as I handed over my stack of legal tender to the smug teller, I had a sudden rush urging me to pull a "Pulp Fiction" on them...BUT! being the civil well adjusted individual I am (now that they up'd my dosage) I hammer at the keyboards bothering you with my misery.  And After the initial anger flare up, I composed myself (wife threatened me with sterility) Took a deep breath (with the aid of a paper bag) and realized (lying to myself) that I wished them (Satan's minions) no ill will (may they all suffer eternal damnation of festering sores)  See, as I said well adjusted.
Moving on.
Yesterday was a busy one, Second Sunday in a row we've been HAMMERED (and boy am I "Thor" aha!) Sold the Rebel, the Magna, The Heliax, Specialized Hard Rock, and the Ocean Pacific.  Took in two nice BMX'ERs basically ready to go. 
Today has been a whirlwind, workin' outta both doors!  Terry helped me this morning pick up a SWEET Schwinn Meridian 3-Wheeler.  This thing is Cherry!  Still has the nipples and seam on the tires, has seen hardly any road time then was garaged for several months!  And it's only $200.00 flat.  NICE!  Also one of our newest, bestest buddies Frank, Brought me a TRUCKLOAD of goodies he emptied from his shed!  I mean...Wow! In it, amongst other things is an OLD SCHOOL Mongoose Freestyle, Chrome chromoly with an Air dyne rear end (didn't even know Mongoose built them!), a nice early 80's Free Spirit men's touring bike, a Trailmaster big frame 2-wheeler (don't see them hardly ever) a BEVY of wheels (I was so low on 26" rears) and amongst them was a vintage GT spool hub front, and a front 26" with a drum brake (that still works!) Several lines of long cable housing (used my last long one yesterday!) Doesn't it feel great when life pays you credit!  Good friends AND good stuff!  God love 'em!!
Also, I would like to extend thanks to Bashar, a follower at a local ministry that has brought us several bikes to us that will be donated to local homeless for transportation.  Any time we can donate our labor to a good cause we will gladly do.  If any of you ever find yourself in a similar situation let us know and we will help in anyway we can.
So, even though I just re-organized the shop yesterday... I gotta do it again!



    Hey Steve,

    I thought you might, for whatever reason, be interested in seeing these pics of a similar bike to the one I brought in today. This one's pretty swank!

  2. holy crud, it is your bike! Only yours without the Fuji badge. Now don't you feel good about how little you spent to totally refurb your! You'll have an even better bike and have paid less then what there selling it for. Oh I do love my job!
