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Friday, September 3, 2010

Kharmaic Rapture

There is a tree in our back yard.  Big old somethin' or other.  Sits on the corner of our lot right by the small pond we look out on when sitting on the lanai.  Its hefty branches reach out over the calm waters offering shade to the many birds and such that visit frequently.  Feeding off the abundance of bread pitch to them from the kids (and me).  Its fun to watch the turtles swarm to the surface occasionally goosing a flustered duck or two.  If your there at the right time in the morning as the sun comes up over the treeline from the other side of the pond, and the light hits the waters surface, the reflection begins to dance off the under side of the thousands of leaves hanging from the outstretch branches.  It offers a light show of silver ripples, quite transfixing.  And if your lucky enough to have had a morning rain, before the sun has had time to dry it up, it glistens like millions of tiny gems.  I don't know if a few years ago I would have appreciated it as much, nor perhaps even taking the time to stop and give it more then a cursory glance.  Maybe its age, maybe I'm slowing down (lord knows if I have to sit on the concrete fixing a bike for to long, I feel it as never before!)  But as I sat outside this morning nursing my coffee, watching the calming undulations, I had pause for thought.  When we first began this little endeavor I had come up with what I thought was a cute little catch phrase, something to inspire car drivers, but like so many things it was a tool.  But now those words take on a different meaning I wasn't completely aware of.  "Life looks different from the seat of a bicycle". Unknowingly prophetic.  As we have not owned or operated a car in over four years, the true meaning of the sentiment have seemed to hit home.  Many people ask me how do we get buy without a car?  Surprisingly easy.  And furthermore, I (can't speak for my wife) don't miss it and frankly my kids never complain, or even mention it.  They just except it as the way it is.  I see more, am willing to stop on my morning rides and take a moment to look at this or that.  Stop and say Hi to the neighbors, or one I haven't met yet.  Not HAVING to hurry is a godsend and quite liberating.  Sure I have deadlines, and the shop has to open on time, etc.etc.etc but you plan on that and give yourself a little extra time, you'll get there.
Case in point is this morn on my ride (and stop off at the grocery store for formula) I happened upon quite a site.  Now in a car I would have given it a glance and said "neat!" and kept on going.  But on a bike...quick U-turn and I was met with this (pics right) I had seen this gentleman tooling about town but had never gotten a chance to say hey (turns out he had actually come into the shop a couple times I just never made the connection) well he was sitting in his garage cleaning out his attic (had workers coming) and getting ready for a yard sale.  I met him and his funny biker wife (and gotten a preview of the yard sale goodies) and he allowed me to take a few snaps.  Now mind you, yes a Vespa is motorized but if you NEED motorized transport it's the way to go!
I don't want to come off preachy or guruish (left my starched collar in my other frock) but take these words for what they are (no not incessant rambling) If your a bicyclist you know what I'm talking about but if not...
think about what your missing when all you see is brake lights and asphalt

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