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Saturday, December 18, 2010

....make lemonaide

Sometimes you have to have input from someone who is detached from the situation.
As I have mentioned in the last postings my frustration with the constant interruptions of our Craigslist adds, Angela was here yesterday as it happened again and saw my anger as I had to re-post our adds.  Well, her being the wise one when it comes to computers noticed 2 things. 1: that there was a way to copy the text of the add so all I had to do was hit a button to re-enter it as opposed to re-writing the whole thing (A LIFE SAVER!) and 2: each time I had to re-post our adds we went to the top of the listings!  WOW!  I had never thought of that!  SO in effect the individual who keeps flagging us is  doing us a favor!  As many of you Craigslist aficionados know they're are ALOT of bike adds posted each day!  So being at the top of the list every few hours is a real boon!  HA HA!  It was funny too, Angela set it up so I could be alerted each time we got flagged so I could re-post almost immediately.  As a matter of fact yesterday around 5 pm our benefactor was deleting adds 1 at a time, and I was re posting them as they were taking them off!  It Was HILARIOUS!  So thanks to..whoever!  KEEP IT UP!
Well as I sit here diligently trying to convince myself that the rain out side is really a lovely blanket of freshly fallen clear snow (hey I'm TRYING to get in the Holiday spirit) I want to take a moment to say "Hang in there" to those of you who may be encountering tough times this year.  And to our buddy Joe who rode his bike 21 miles in the rain at 5.30 this  morning to get work only to be turned away when he got there because of the weather, and his only reward was a flat tire, chin up!  And never loose your sense of humor about the whole thing!  And folks if you know of a family going through crap like this, or anyone taking it up the...well you know.  Drop them a little something on their doorstep Christmas eve...anonymously, just to let them know there's someone who cares.  And to those of you who don't need my advise and have already thought of it yourselves, God Bless!
With that I think I might actually try to get something done.  So y'all have a great day!

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