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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Dirty House Re-quires Tough Cleaners

OK. Time to get (shudder) political.
Back story: For over a decade I was a news junky.  Not the flashy Blaring Headline News junky like Fox or CNN, but REAL news.  Independent News. Where the people reporting the news were ACTUALLY where the news was happening.  Not sitting in an airport lounge a hundred clicks away from the action reading a PREPARED news report.  But, after realizing that all that information was only serving to depress, anger and make me nervous I stopped listening.  I know, Ostrich with his head in the sand.  But after the 2004 election when we RE-Elected Bozo the Dip---t, I became VERY disenfranchised.  It took stepping away from the whole Global disaster, and focusing solely on my own community that re-affirmed my faith in humanity.  So needless to say, now when I turn on the Internet (no cable..remember) I quickly opt out of the news headers on my home page.  Well, I am not completely oblivious to whats going on in our world 'cause global action effects locally. But when I saw a heading "repeal Obama" it gave me pause for thought.  No please before any one gets up in arms, I am not rushing to his defence, nor am i compelled to do so due to the fact that he is a democrat, I do it because I think America has forgotten or because we are in such dire straights that we need a scape-goat, but COME ON!  ANYONE in office after 8 years of the crap that "Curious George" pulled, had nothing short of a monumental task of clean up.  And some tough cleaners had to be used!
I offer up this analogy.
Years ago I worked for a cleaning company, for over a decade.  Carpet cleaning to be precise.  So over a decade I saw some NASTY homes.  To paraphrase a gentleman I once new who did crime scene clean-up "It's not seeing how people died that's disturbing, it's seeing how they lived!"
To True.
The really annoying thing was that you could go out on a bargain basement job (2 rooms and a hall $49.95) and be met with the nastiest house and floors you have EVER seen!  And they would expect it to look IMMACULATE when you were done.  Now as a pre-requisite for the job, of course, you were to up-sell.  But thankfully in my companies case the up-sells were necessary chemicals for TOUGH stains and such, beyond the standard clean sufficient for normal wear and tear.  But almost always without fail, the worse the job, the less likely they were willing to do what was necessary to get it done RIGHT!  Tough financial choices for a better outcome.
That's where we are folks.  We got a REAL dirty house, and it's going to take sacrifices to clean it up.  Has he done everything right?  Hell no.  Giving welfare to big Multi-national corporation that are co-responsible for the mess we're in, Uh-Unh.  The anarchist in me says let 'em work it out on there own.  But really, what would have been the outcome if we Hadn't?  Could have been worse then it is now.  What are the answers?  Not sure, I'm no financial wizard, but I do know that in the end we can't sit and point the finger of blame (yes I know the irony in that statement, as I already have) but whats done is done.  We have to pull ourselves out, not sit and wait for some government entity to come riding in like some well hung Dudley Dooright and rescue us.  Even though it may sound self serving, I firmly believe that the first course of action is live, work and buy in your own community.  Keep your money local.  At times you may pay a little more but lets face it your local grocer or auto mechanic is struggling just like you, but when you buy there product or service they may patronize yours.  Simple, possibly naive but that's what we're going on for the time being.
Love ya'll. Now I gotta git to work!


  1. While there are a lot of things that I wish were happening (or were happening differently), I can't really find much cause to complain about our current Commander in Chief. Really, though, that's not very high praise given the nightmare we lived with for the last 8 years - ANYONE would have been better (well, maybe not ANYone; I lived in fear that Dubya was going to die and we'd have Chaney as our president. I was getting ready to flee the country if that happened....)

  2. Given events of those 8 years I thought chaney was going to take Georgie boy "hunting"
