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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ah, the Wisdom Of Youth (or Brass balls the size of Volkswagens!)

SO, I'm trying to prepare my protege for eventually taking over the family business.  Not that I'm going anywhere anytime soon, I
m looking 20 years down the road (or more if he keeps up the current learning curve!) and i am trying to not only teach him how to work on bikes (which he's getting pretty accomplished at0 but I'm also trying to teach him customer service and interaction.
This he is greatly lacking in!
There are many do's and dont's the least of which is not "DON"T argue with a customer"  as well as "Don't use alot of techno-jargon when simple answers will suffice!  Well he broke both of those today.  The techno-jargon one was bad enough as he sometimes feeds on the ego boost when he knows more then someone else (hey THAT doesn't happen hardly ever!) but it was when he argued with a customer that it was really bad (comedically so) I just happened to have gone next door to get my lunch when a customer of ours came in to check the progress on a motorized bike he brought in for re-pairs (waiting on parts...Why does THAT sound familiar?)   It's not his bike but belongs to his 14 year old son.  Well My son thought it was important to point out the laws regarding motorized bikes, and the limitations thereof in the state of Florida, versus that of the Federal government.  Now truth be told I am STILL not clear on whats legal and whats not, but err on the side of caution.  What other people do, is their business, but my son obviously does not agree with that sentiment and proceeded to, in his opinion "good natured" about law with,
A Police officer. 
yep!  Full uniform, "Police- Cruiser- parked- in- front- of- the- store", police Officer!
Of course i find this out AFTER he has left from Jose, But I mean MAN!  They must CLANG together like the Liberty Bell when he Jogs!
Well another fun visit from Chip today, bearing even more wonderful gifts, plus a NEW stencil for t-Shirts (I'll have 'em done in a day or so!) And we yakked about a "prone" bike that hopefully Someday we'll build!
We picked up a few new goodies, in the "Banger Bike " vein, and We are almost through with a few new ones.  We just seem to keep hitting road blocks (it happens) and move on to other ones while we wait to accumulate the stuff we need to finish the others (hence the plethora of semi-finished stuff we keep tripping over) But well have a couple decent mongooses, and a retro GT Timberline out tomorrow morn, then on to who knows what?
So y'all rest easy, and we'll see ya tomorrow!

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