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Monday, February 14, 2011

No wonder....

After yesterdays heartwarming tale I was given some information from Chip, via my wife that explained the feeling of acceptance and comfort in our new home that I felt.  Seems that before the previous tenant the house had been occupied by and served as, for 15 years....a Buddhist temple!  WO!
That would explain all the Bamboo trees in the front and considering all the stumps in the backyard they must have been there to!
So Lets take a tally.  In Our lives together my lovely wife and I have lived in (not including the standard homes) A haunted house (no kiddin!  It has been documented) a refurbished slaughter house (YEP!  even still had the ORIGINAL meat locker, the companies ID plate said 1897, we used it as our daughters nursery) a Tennis club (don;t ask) a refurbished crack house (to bad the neighborhood wasn't re-furbished) a 1993 Dodge Caravan (Luckily for only about two months!) and NOW a Buddhist temple!  WOW!
SO anyway's last night was a real exciting treat!  We cooked our first meal at the new house!  And let me tell you, what a JOY!  I mean first the stove turned ON!  I mean it's so cool to not have to flick the breaker on 7 or 8 times, wait for the crackling noise to let you know it made contact, while some one watches the burner to see if it starts to glow, I mean this one...just turned on!  and WOW, it STAYED ON!  No repeated trips back to the breakers, and repeat the whole thing 8 or 9 times to cook a meal!
 AND BOY!  I cooked Spaghetti, and had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming because all I had to do to rinse the pasta was turn 45 degrees to the sink TO RINSE IT!!!  No more grabbing a towel to carry a boiling pot of water through the house to the only working bathroom, so you can rinse it off in the bathtub!  AND WOW!~ the has ACTUAL faucet handles!  I don't need to look for a set of pliers to turn it on!
 And when dinner was done...we could rinse the dishes...and put them in a DISHWASHER!!!  Oh be still my beating heart!  I feel faint!
And it;s funny, if the kids are in the bathroom and someone else has to go...we don't have to wait!  2 BATHROOMS!!!!  Lordy!  what'll them big City Folk think of NEXT!
All sarcasm aside, it just feels good to feel human again!
So onto work!  I am at this moment trying to figure out which direction to go in as I have alot of work that has piled up and neither of the other two mech's are here!  SO, Hope y'all find time to drop by and say HEY!

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