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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Remember! ALWAYS Look Both Ways!

So, this past weekend we got a letter in the mail from the elementary school.  In it were three separate letters pertaining to each of our grade school kids.  The content is brief and concise.  Each one of the kids have been tardy to the opening bell a total of 11 times for Logan, 14 for Owen and 17 for Rozlynd!  At this point, dad's face turned a deepening shade of Alizarin crimson, and all the warning signs were causing the three to freeze in their tracks. Summoning them by name, in that tone alerts them that there is trouble.  The frozen stance is that of their little minds reverting to the primitive "Fight or Flight" reflex.  It is all together brief, though,  as they know escape is not an option!  Standing supplicant before me, I summoned all my capacity for calm and combating the reflex to engage in a torrential flood of regrettable anger, I questioned them as to why?
Our morning routine is simple.  Daddy awakes at seven am, hit's the snooze and rolls over to cuddle with Mom two or three times, then out of bed, on average at 7.20am.  Hits the girls room, wakes Rozy (inevitable Izzy and Miranda awake) brings girls out, wakes boys, changes girls diapers, strips beds, puts in laundry, changes bed clothes, wakes boys again, makes coffee, runs about higgly piggly, raises voice, then out door by eight.  Some mornings of course have their issues.  Can't find back pack, shoes, socks, pants that fit etc, etc, but the latest we leave is usually 8.15.  This fact should not be a problem, though, as we are only a five minute bike ride from the school.  As it turned out (after having to go through a barrage of "I don't know's" and "that can't be right's" and "but we are never late's")  that even on the days they drag their feet getting ready they are still going to get breakfast in the morning.  Even though cereal and the like is readily available at the house, the social engagement prevalent in their morning routine appears to be the driving force for them going.  Once completed, they tarry about on their way to class. 
Now, knowing that declaring they will no longer commit such action would have little effect in dissuading them, I opted to discuss it with the appropriate authorities.  Of course, my first assumption would be to do so with the supposed author of the letters, the principal.  But, as always, when it comes to parents, she was not available, and I was unceremoniously passed off on the attendance clerk.  I inquired if it would be at all possible for me to either sign them in at the office each morning or to usher them to class each day.  As the letter threatened truancy court, or State Attorney involvement I assumed it was of the utmost importance that I take full control of the situation.  I was shot down on both ideas.  First, attendance is between the teacher and the student, the office has NO jurisdiction.  Nor could I walk them to class, as parents were not allowed to walk the halls in the morning.  No, their response was "talk to your children and instill in them the importance of being to class on time"
So it was with no small dose of frustration I was met this morning with a cacophony concocted to cajole cringing chaos!  First up, massive diaper blow out on Miranda, and an over abundance in Bella's and slow moving children hell bent on grabbing a few more precious moments of sleep.  Then, even though all clothes were laid out for them, and the outside ambient temperature was checked and each child was informed to dress warmly, Rozy insisted on putting on shorts, then in defiance whined she could not find the long pants that had been laid out for her, and instead chose to try and wriggle into a pair four sizes to small.  Just to be difficult.  Once all was put in order (and bedding was sloshing in the washer) we set out for school.  It was at this point that every single one of them conveniently forgot the rules of the road.  As we crossed the main road Owen remained in the center, daring the oncoming van to a game of chicken, Logan, always the fastest, was already out of sight and not "with the group" and Rozy at first failing to look to the right and almost getting run down by a bus, collected herself and then failed to look to the left, barely becoming one with an oncoming vans grill!
It was at this point that the all to familiar guttural "Daddy" voice came out, unfortunately startling two elderly pedestrians in it's wake.  Of course, the drama was not complete without Rozy, upset at having to dress in a fashion not to her desire, dragged her feet the whole way there, culminating in not paying attention at the cross walk and crashing off her bike.  Once at the school entrance I informed them that under no circumstances were they to go to the cafeteria but go directly to class.  At this point they had the nerve to look shocked and dismayed as I was condemning them to starvation.
How was your morning?
Angi picked up a flick last night that we have been meaning to see but hadn't got around to yet, "Stuck In Love"
 I found one of my new favorites!
There have been far to few movies of late that can move me emotionally.  I usually am a fan of the big blockbuster action/sci fi flicks, but am a sucker for the romantic comedy.  Unfortunately the indy films of more recent years seem primarily anti-climactic avant garde tripe.  The most recent film I can recall to have any kind of effect on me was "Remember Me" with Robert Pattison.  But that was the "Oh my GOD! didn't see THAT coming!" kind of effect (an equally rare phenomenon as most films are FAR to predictable).  No this was the heart warming, tingling, make you cry moments for which Angela was both moved by my sappiness but questioned why I turned my head so the older boys would not notice the tears.  I explained "it's a guy thing".
Here's IMDB's breakdown of the storyline
Meet the Borgens. William Borgens is an acclaimed author who hasn't written a word since his ex-wife Erica left him 3 years ago for another man. In between spying on Erica and casual romps with his married neighbour Tricia, Bill is dealing with the complexities of raising his teenage children Samantha and Rusty. Samantha is publishing her first novel and is determined to avoid love at all costs - after all she's seen what it has done to her parents. In between hook ups, she meets "nice guy" Lou who will stop at nothing to win her over. Rusty, is an aspiring fantasy writer and Stephen King aficionado, who is on a quest to gain 'life experiences'. He falls for the beautiful, but troubled Kate and gets his first taste of love and a broken heart. A tale of family, love (lost and found), and how endings can make new beginnings. There are no rewrites in life, only second chances. Written by Becker Film Group
First off, anything with Greg Kinnear in it is well worth a look, and this one had Jennifer Connolley to boot! The most compelling part of the film for me was the relationship and interaction between the father and daughter.  Honest and open, with a healthy dose of good natured vitriol, is reminiscent of that which I share with Rozy, and expect to have with the other ones when they become aware of sarcasm.  The tender moment's, and revelations do not overshadow the film merely accentuate the necessity of overcoming adversity and grasping hold of hope, faith and the necessity of risk.  Have some tissue ready when you watch this one!
All right,  I'd best jump back at it, but in the meantime check out the newbies we pounded out yesterday. 
See ya' soon!

ONLY $65.00!!!

ONLY $130.00!!

ONLY $50.00!!

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