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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Teenagers In Troubling Situations

Speaking of acronyms....
Wait for it....
As in "you bloody...."
Ah, never mind, it'll come to you later!
Had another wonderfully fun tour of our local judicial system this morning!  No, not a new offence but the conclusion of Kaleb's past foray into impulsive stupidity!
For those not in the know, here's the Kafkaesque foray into lunacy!  Back in May, numb nut was suspended for doing bicycle stunts in the bus lane at school.  After leaving school, half way home he realized he forgot something in his locker.  Instead of formulating a rational thought, he opted to go in the school through the back door.  He stated, "it was closer to his locker then going through the front office" with a certain air of incredulity as to why I couldn't comprehend his rationale.  He was in fact, unceremoniously arrested for trespassing.  At this point, we had the fun trek to pick him up at JAC, then returned the following morning to sit for an hour and a half for a five minute arraignment.  Then of course there's the meeting with the court appointed attorney, the probation's officer, an alternate assessment, another meeting to discuss possible punishment and finally the hearing this morning.  And what was the result of all this temperament testing tribulations?
a slap on the wrist SO light it was akin to a lovers touch!!!
Look, I'm not complaining about not having to do any more triathlon style running about for this, but you'd think there would be something a little more inconvenient that he would have to endure,  perhaps dissuade him from perpetuating further lapse's in common sense.  But NO!!! What does he get?  3 months probation that would be ended when he wrote a letter of apology to the school!  Which they had him do THERE in the courtroom before he left!!!
Yes, that's RIGHT!  He went to the pew, scribbled a note of apology on a blank piece of paper, handed it to the lawyer who proof read it, who then handed it to the judge who read it, passed it to the bailiff, who then ferried it to the state prosecutor.  She then read it, excepted it, and the Judge pronounced his probation fulfilled!
WHAT THE....FUN!?!?!
And this couldn't have been resolved with a bloody phone call?!
OK folks!  Here's where I step in to solve all that ails our current judicial system and systematically eradicate a large portion of the red tape, redundancy and unnecessary court employees! 
R U Ready fer dis'?
I propose establishing a NEW Federal and Local bureau called the division of "Not Overly Bothersome Stuff" whereas all appointee's will be referred to in the acronym as NOB's!  ALL Federal, state and local court cases will FIRST pass through this division where, through a prescribed list of predetermined criteria, will be deemed as either important enough to go to court OR hand slapping minor tripe!  At which point, should the latter be determined prudent, all parties involved will get a simple phone call pronouncing....
Imagine ALL our tax payer dollars SAVED by eliminating such back log, unnecessary paperwork, staff hours etc.
Now, On the GOOD side of child rearing!  I am proud to announce that Elijah just got the call this morning that he secured the position with the ceiling company and ships out tomorrow!  He'll be gone for a week, and I have my fingers crossed that he impresses them and it will become a permanent position! 
We'll keep ya posted! 
Kinda weird though.  Never thought I'd feel a twinge of the whole "empty nest" thing.  Sheesh, I am SUCH a sap!
Back to my life!  Put out another sweet looking ride yesterday!  This one in the guise of a men's 26" single speed cruiser!  Also got another trailer load this morn that we have started to strip down, so will have more goodies out soon!
So, don't let the gorgeous day pass you buy! 
See ya soon!

ONLY $60.00!!!!


  1. Ah, but: Were the bike stunts COOL? That's what I want to know!

  2. As a bus driver I gotta tell you the only other place I can compare the bus loop to is the flight-deck of an aircraft carrier during flight-ops. It's a good place to play if your intent on suicide.I dont want to sound harsh and I have no idea what your school set-up is like, but ours consists of close to 100 buses in two way traffic and 3,000+ students, staff and parents arriving as last minute as possible,and then leaving as fast as can be at the end of the day. Twice a day madness,Remember the video game frogger except you only get one life. As far as going in the back door...I got nothin'. =)

  3. John, you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!! It is for that self same reason he does things like this! A bit of an adrenalin junkie is he, not to mention a wee bit of a flamboyant show off, but lacking the appropriate level of fear/respect necessary for self preservation. HOWEVER, that being said, I always fall short of knocking him upside the head with a 2X4, because at that crucial moment a little file in the back of my head is flung open, with the title "Stupid Crap YOU Did As A Teenager" emblazoned across the top! Suffice to say, growing up I idolized stunt men, and endeavored to emulate them whenever possible. As I hung out with equally stupid teenager as myself, who owned vehicles, I attempted to recreate various action packed sequences, WITHOUT all the prerequisite safety gear. When I did the Indiana Jones, "crawl under a moving truck and come up the back side of it" (Ford Bronco) I didn't have the benefit of a trench dug under it, nor the necessary safety harness to jump out of the back of a truck, while traveling at 60 onto the hood of a Volkswagen Beetle. You realize there are VERY few hand holds on one of those things? Thank Heavens for windshield wipers!
    SO, it's hard for me to NOT empathize with the kid, from time to time! The only thing I got going for me is I can point out the "I'm lucky to be alive!" schtick! And to Uncle Chippie, yea, I have to begrudge him a bit of kudos, he can ride backwards, sitting on the handle bars, no-handed, amongst other things.
