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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Florida NEED'S A Patch Kit!

SO, spent the last hour trying to Sign into the local Dunedin  An online community Newsletter website, I figured it would be a good place to put our name in and reach out to the local community.  Not to mention spread the cheer and joy of our little blog, and what we do.  As well as give a sampling of some of the new rides we create, just to let folks interested in getting involved in the biking scene around here, know there is a CHEAPER way to do it! 
When you go to there home page and attempt to post, it flashes a pop up stating you have to either sign in or create an account.  OK, no problem, just like every other site.  But here's the rub, after entering your info they state they are e-mailing you a link to confirm you are who you say you are.  Trouble is...They DON'T send you the link!!  Yes, checked my junk mail, not there!  THEN tried AGAIN, and it told me that the E-Mail address I was trying to use was already BEING used!  YEA!  BY ME!!!  When you attempt to go to it gives another pop up that states it "Could not perform function, mailer improperly installed"!  THEN, if you hit the "need help?" it flashes to a screen "Page Does Not Exist"!?!? 
Now I KNOW  cities and states contract out to the lowest bidder, but it's kind of like buying something at Wal-Mart or The Dollar Store.  You KNOW you are buying CRAP, but you do it anyway 'cause it's cheap!  But, seriously, if in the long run your goal is to promote your city, and all the fine businesses held within, wouldn't it be a GOOD idea to provide a venue that actually accomplishes that aim!  And NOT just a flashy home page that a scant few lucky, more obviously computer savvy individuals MAY have the good fortune and blind luck to access? 
Just a thought, High Mucky Mucks who hold the reigns.  Best to get off your collective kiesters and possibly serve the folks you are there to serve!
OK, rant done!
Took some time to settle back into the groove yesterday after running the PSTA, and Judicial system gauntlet yesterday, not to mention coming to terms with Son #2 leaving the nest today.
Oh, yea.  THAT is oddly not setting well.  As much as I may rag on the boy, from time to time, it is going to be REALLY weird knowing he's not there.  It's not like he's taking a day job.  The company he' working for travels around the country going from job to job, living out of hotels.  From what he tells me the company works from Jan-Oct, on the road, with apparently VERY little if ANY home time.  They take November and December off, I presume for the Holidays.  So WHY does it make me feels so bloody melancholy?  Last night, after preparing his luggage, we ceremoniously passed the baton of the pecking order.  Kaleb has now stepped into the second spot, while Logan has been promoted.  He will now be responsible to help in the split chores of dishes/laundry.  Even though, admittedly NOT a task he covets (he doesn't like "icky") there was a glint of pride and a poorly disguised smile when his promotion was announced.  As along with the rise in rank comes certain perks.  One of which, a later bed time. 
But MAN!  I never imagined I'D be the sappy, squishy one when it came time for the birdies to start leaving the nest!  Jokingly, Angi just whipped her hands, said "See ya!" then "NEXT!"  (but I KNOW she's just putting up the Irish Girl Tough Act!).  Oh I know, I should just "Suck It Up" but can't help feeling a little choked up.
Put out another goody yesterday with one more almost there.  This is a dual shock MTB, and another cross promotional one, in the way of a Dr. Pepper Bike!  Which reminds me of a classic SNL skit (back when comedy was  WEE bit less then politically correct) so I'm gonna share it with you as I really need a laugh right now to shed the blue funk!
See ya soon!




  1. I always referred to doing the laundry and various household chores as "survival training" so my son would find it intresting. Not sure if he took it to heart but I miss him especially after diner when he used to clear the table. =(

  2. Steven-

    Having done a wee bit o' travelin' out and about, I suppose I might offer your Number One Son my limited wisdom on the subject: "When all else fails, tell 'em you're Canadian, eh?"

    It's either that, or "A loaded gun and a smile will get you further than either one alone."

    Your choice.
