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Thursday, April 25, 2013

"I ain't no psychiatrist, ain't no doctor with degrees! But it don't take much IQ to see what ya doin' ta me!"

I don't pretend to fully understand the full function of the human mind.  Hell, there are times my mind decides to do something...and I don't understand it.  BUT, certain happenings go beyond the realm of rational thought.  Such is the case with the phenomenon of women sending wedding proposal to men on death row for heinous crimes. Scott Peterson who killed his lovely wife and unborn child was flooded with marriage proposals from desperately sick women after his arrest and incarceration.  I mean THAT is taking the whole "Bad Boy in need of saving" thing WAY to serious! And then there's Ted Bundy.  YES, That Bundy! Apparently he was a real chick magnet as well! 
Here's a joke that sums THAT up!
Ted Bundy and a coed are taking a walk deep in the woods at night.  The young lady turns to him and says "It's so dark out here.  I'm scared!"  To which he responds "How do you think I feel? I've got to find my way out alone!"
Oh yea.
I went there.
This leads us to my rant about the latest in the despicable, cowardly attack on the Boston Marathon.  Let me just say, I loved X-files when it ran, and found myself absorbing the whole "Government Conspiracy" trip.  But seriously!  These people coming out of the woodwork's in defense of these psycho Jihad bastards need to get a freakin clue!  Lets for a second suspend ALL the video "real-time" evidence of their rampage through Massachusetts. The lobbing of homemade hand grenades as they attempted to evade the police.  The cold blooded murder of a transit cop.  The theft of a car. The tender cradling of a "pressure cooker bomb" identical to the ones used in the actual bombing.  Not to mention the hospital bed full confession and let's just focus on the practical side of such an ENORMOUS conspiratorial effort. 
What would be the point?  If any governmental official thought these kids were such a major threat don't you think they could have been taken  out with a little less fanfare?
And what benefits local, state or federal officials by having an "incident" like this in their state?  Some surmise that 9/11 was a master plot by the Bush presidency to give legitimacy to a move against the middle east to occupy and control their oil revenue. 
Look.  I hated Bush just like many other Americans, but giving him or any of his cabinet stooges credit for such an intricate plot?  That's giving them WAY to much faith!
Back to Boston (sorry, always gotta find a way to zing Bush)
What motivation could any official have for staging a terrorist attack?  A boon in tourism?  Do you think there will be flocks of paying customer flooding Boylston street to see the sights?  Granted there are some ghouls out there.  And then there are the mourners who will be paying there respects, but in the end I think it's gonna put a dent in their revenue flow.  And the mind numbing number crunching that would have to be undertken to contrive and exeute such a plan, and to effectively plant such long term, damning evidence on the would be scapegoats and hope to GOD that they would respond in the way they did in order to lend authenticity to their guilt?!  Houdini himself could not pull off such a masterful illusion!
No.  Simply put these were two disguntled, manipulated flunkies who wanted to lash out at Americans, using our foreign policies as a carrot!  Apparently they had an axe to grind. 
Look, I'm no bible thumping flag waver.  Lord knows we have our "issues" and at times I question our presence in foreign lands.  Especially the ones that REALLY don't want us there, but in the end History has proven that the only effective way of creating an reltively peaceful society is through capitalism and Democracy.  I'm not knocking some of the most ancient of societies but look at Europe.  A group of countries perpetually at war with one another until the development of the European Union.  Effectively eliminating war and tensions (their current financial crisis not withstanding) Russia?  China?
The all mighty "gold standard" has spoken.
Back to the here and now.  YES!  I focused my effort and time yesterday and put out another three new sweeties yesterday so give 'em a looksie below!  And now I go to build more!
See YA!
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ONLY $75.00!!!

ONLY $80.00!!!!

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