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Friday, September 9, 2011

Pummeling A Deceased Equine!

I mean no disrespect to the casual cyclist who still requires internal combustion to propel themselves to and fro.  Or the Occasional rider who would not relinquish there automobile for the same emotional reasons we Veloists anthropomorphize our cherished (albeit somewhat less then new) bicycles. But at times situations arise around the camp fires here that are a sad statement on current world affairs, and bear repeating.  Especially when it happens twice in one day.
First.  A wonderful lady visited with some treats in the back of her 2000 and something Suburban.  Three potential bangers rescued from the confines of their garages hidden nooks.  Her reasoning for the sale?  Cleaning the garage ostensibly, but the underlining reason?  Gas for the remainder of the week until her check comes in.  Hey, no shame there.  We have ALL been down that road at least once in our lives.  (I shudder to think just how many of my power tools now sit in someone Else's garage as I had to pawn them to pay a light bill, or buy diapers!)
Shortly there after had a gent visit driving a rather pristine looking little sports car (Hyundai I think)  Jutting from the sparse trunk space was a high end Specialized.  Appearing as though it had barely been ridden.  Looking to sell for a reasonable (although a little to rich for our blood) price.  We unfortunately had to pass.  I felt poorly too, as his reasoning was needing to raise capital to pay his car note.
The morale of our story?  Well, I do not wish to appear as if i am making light of these folks situations, I merely mention them to make a subtle (as if I can ever be accused of being subtle) point.  Perhaps, if you find yourself in a similar situation, you could pause a moment and take account of your dilemma.  Whereas selling your bike (or computer, TV or tool collection...whatever) may provide a temporary solution to your problems, if your problem is keeping and maintaining or running or insuring or fixing your car is your problem, is it worth the sacrifice?  Think of how much the current resale value of your vehicle is.  If it blue books for $10,000, could you sell it to a reseller for $5,000?  Or Craigslist it for $8,000?  And how much would your current predicaments improve with an extra few K in your bank account (not to mention all the green you'd save on gas, insurance, re-pairs etc.)  And how better would you feel shedding a few pounds by riding or walking to work each day?
Look, I know it's not for everyone, and some would have to be dragged, begrudgingly, kicking and screaming  away from fossil fuels. But give it some thought


  1. Then there's the classic tale you'll hear told by just about every high school teacher:

    "Why didn't you do your homework?"
    "I had to work."
    "Why do you have a job?"
    "To pay for my car."
    "Why do you have a car?"
    "To get to work."

    And so it goes.

  2. once again, I quote "doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result each time, is a sure sign of insanity"
