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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Red Shows True Colors

Yes I'm sure by now some of you are getting tired of me ranting about Republican motivations....But here I go again.  Now truth be told there's plenty of blame to be spread on both sides of the isle in regards to our current fiscal crisis, but even given that truth there is something to be said for compromise.  Given the amount of bantering about the left seems willing to give up some concessions if the right will just yield a tad on taxes.
Yes, there I said it, an ugly word.  But lets face it, in order to live in a secure capitalist nation, you gotta have taxes.  Yes, there could be a little more frugality in the way it's spent's needed.
Now I gotta give props to the man elect for his shrewd turn of phrases!  I've been in sales for years and he REALLY knows how to serve up an assumptive close while tossing the ball CLEARLY into the others court.  When he stood at his first press conference after being re-elected and stated (and I paraphrase) that he was ready to extend relief to the working middle class by extending the tax breaks of the "Bush-era" to the 98% of Americans making less then $250,00.00 a year.  That he had his pen ready to sign it into law.
Now the Republicans ONCE AGAIN are stymieing the process by dragging their heels saying they are ready to deal but only if the democrats take tax hikes off the table. Instead they want to remove the tax loop holes which allow for so many rich folks to get such breaks on their taxes (think Romney's 13% tax bracket) which is not a bad idea, but they also want to make deep cut in entitlement programs such as Medicaid, Medicare and food stamps.
Uhn hunh!
So in effect DON'T make the uber wealthy pay an additional 3% but instead take health care and food away from the poor and elderly?!
So OK,
That may seem like the Republican way of doing things but does anyone else see any moral dilemma with this idea?
And honestly if you are on the right side of the camp, do YOU benefit from a paycheck in excess of a quarter of a mill? and if so why are you reading a blog about used bikes?
It all boils down to this, as of January first 2013, if these matters are not settled we ALL loose any tax breaks we have and the average American will be looking at paying at least an extra $2000.00 next year come tax time!  I'm sorry but as much as I believe we should all be able to keep as much as we can out of what we work so hard to earn , those 2% can pony up a little extra to help a limping economy flourish again. It's not like they won't be able to get it all back once things get on a more even keel.
Thanks to the folks coming in and helping us in their own way with our fiscal cliff.  Sold the Schwinn cruiser to a discerning gent today and had many more a looky loo checking us out.  As always thanks for the repairs coming in, our true bread and butter.  And I must say we still have many more gems for you to peruse through and could really use the sales!  So come on down and we'll wheel and deal!
Speaking of new gems!  Check out the two latest below!  A gorgeous racing tire Trek 720 commuter, and a FULLY refurbed scrap truck find in the way of a Giant Sedona!
So we'll see y'all on the 'morrow!
ONLY $135.00!!

TREK 720
ONLY $125.00!!


  1. Poor misguided soul you are.

    Investment in the USA will just fall through the floor with the logic of slapping all the investors of the world with more taxes.

    folks that have worked their way into position to make over the $250k will not even bother investing and creating jobs. They simply will walk away. workers will start losing more jobs ...... You will have no more customers to purchase your products you sell and then you will be asking yourself how you will make it.

  2. Sorry, but I gotta disagree with you there, Anonymous. Corporate profits are at an all time high, but we here closer to the ground have yet to see an advantage. The myth of "job creators" has been repeatedly and thoroughly debunked, and the fact that people like you are still arguing for this spectacularly failed economic paradigm only goes to show how effectively the lie has been promulgated.

    I say we link arms and go over the "fiscal cliff" (which is really more like a curb, but whatever; the rhetoric is what it is). The Republicans want to play chicken, and I say we take them on. Is it POSSIBLE that our taxes will go up? Sure - but it's also just as likely that the backlash will be so severe that a) the tax code will be retroactively amended (remember, this is for tax year 2013, which won't have to be settled until April '14. It'll be an accounting NIGHTMARE, but it IS possible for Congress to amend the tax code at any point before that) and b) will piss off so many people that the 20114 elections - in which ALL 435 House seats are up - will result in a massive lay-off of the obstructionists using this sort of thing for their own political power.
