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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Childhood Milestones

There comes a point in every child's life when they learn "sneaky".  The art of misdirection, manipulation and covert opportunism.  That moment when the blatant snatch and grab is deemed ineffective and the creative juices flow into a more calculated plan of attack.  Izzy hit hers yesterday.  The norm in our home is the younger girls get up and have the run of the main living areas in the house.  The hallway to the bedrooms and opening to the kitchen are cordoned off with baby gates and their play is monitored in the remaining space.  Out of caricature yesterday, Izzy asked permission to go into her room seeking independent play time.  An unusual request for her but permission was granted and Elijah hoisted her over the gate as she bounded off, happily to the confines of the girls room.  After a short period of time, Angi asked Elijah to check on her and make sure she was OK.  She was.  See, at the end of the week each one of the grade schoolers receives a bag of snacks from school.  Comprised of juice boxes, crackers, peanut butter, granola, canned fruit, etc.  As each child is quite proprietary about their snack bags, they stash them clandestinely in their room.  Well, apparently Izzy had discovered Rozy's sometime earlier.  As Elijah opened the door to the girls room he discovered that Izzy was perched atop Rozy's bed on a laid out blanket where she had neatly arranged the contents of the snack bag and was, quiet peacefully, having herself a little picnic.  An opened bag of crackers lay before her while she blissfully munched away on a heavily peanut butter laden one while lazily drawing on a punctured juice box.  She realized she was not alone, and slowly turned to meet Elijah's gaze.  Unperturbed she merely grinned, placed her index finger to her lips and uttered a soft "Shhhhhhh".  Then, disregarding his presence, turned and went back to her picnic.  Elijah could do nothing but giggle, slowly shut the door and respond to mommas inquiry "she's fine"  After hearing this, and while putting the girls to bed last night both Izzy and I couldn't help but chuckle when Rozy questioned aloud "where did all these crumbs come from?"
Karma is life's teacher.
Can't help but send out a big warm "THANK YOU" to all the folks visiting us yesterday!  Yes, the "Buy it from the rack" continues unabated!  Built up three yesterday and sold two of them before they were even done!  Alas, I do feel sorry for the many who missed out.  I understand folks hesitation to purchase from bone row, as the diamonds in the rough do less then shine.  But in the case of one hybrid we had, several folks looked at it prerebuild and expressed interest but wished to wait until it was done to see it.  Long ago I got out of the habit of letting people know they had an option to purchase a bike before the work was done, forewarning them that it was bound to sell quick.  Quite frankly it made me sound to high pressure, and I don't want to give that impression.  But one gentleman, realizing it was perfect for his needs, did just that.  Of course a few hours later a few of the folk who had looked at it earlier came back in hopes that it was complete.  It was. Completely sold.  Again, sorry.  And of course thanks so much to all for the repairs, it's what keeps us going!
All right, gotta make that the end, as I have plenty more to get done!  Y'all have a great day and we'll see ya soon!

ONLY $65.00!!!

1 comment:

  1. Uh-oh...

    Sneaky AND pretty?

    She's a dangerous woman already.

    Good luck, one and all. (Especially the men.)
