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Friday, October 19, 2012

Twinge of Guilt

Any native Floridians (or those transplanted for at least a few seasons) cyclists can back me up on the following sentiments.
Every year right around the later half of September beginning of October their is one special day that gives us hope.  That allows us to shed our protective air conditioned cocoon and surreptitiously step forward in the promise of unfettered abandoned.  We never now when it will for sure happen but when it does a tingle of joy fills us as we revel in  it's loving caress.
Of course I am speaking of the first day of fall.
Unlike up north we see it's approach in the brilliant canvas of fall colors gradually blossoming across the landscape.  No, down here it comes in the subtle guise of awaking one morning and stepping out into an unsuspected rush of crisp cool air. At that moment you cannot resist the impulse to inhale deeply.  Taking in the heady scent, indescribable but distinct.
Bicycle riding weather is HERE!
Now truthfully, it doesn't last.  It's for one day, a prelude to joys to come as in a scant few weeks, increasingly more and more you will be greeted daily with such delight.
It was on just such a day two weeks ago I was met with this bliss as I rode with the children to school and upon arriving at the shop was met at the door by a young gentleman casually standing at the door patiently awaiting my arrival with a slightly dirty and dusty Diamondback.  He of course was there to figuratively and literally to "dust of the bike" in preparation for riding season.
And it wasn't just him.
In that day, not only did we take in six such tune-up's but sold nine bikes as well.
Ah yes.  Fall IS here.
And it has been pretty much that way every day for the last two weeks.
When not elbow deep in re-furbs and re-pairs we have been busily pounding out as many (to the point of almost depleting the "needs-way-to-much-work" stock in the back room) new rides as we can.  And buying just about every ride that we can lay our greedy little hands on!
Now I know, I should have been keeping you all up to date with the goings on, but truthfully by the end of the day (some being longer then others) getting home, scouring of the accumulated filth, and eating dinner I've pretty much fallen into bed.  I have every night intended on updating our stock on line, or dropping some salutations but alas have not.  So to all checking in only to find out dated information I beseech your forgiveness.  I will try my very best to not fall prey to my own human frailty again.
How's been tricks?
I will update our inventory list tomorrow as I have to take all new pics.  Obviously, the stock has turned over several times and everything I have pics of is out of date.
So until tomorrow, we look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

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