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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Things To Do With An Inordinate Amount Of Leggo's (not to mention WAY to much spare time!)

Well if a teenager is given enough free time on the Internet he will inevitably find some very obscure (if not immoral) content.  Elijah was hunting through the web at school the other day (as he has apparently been able to crack their security "no-fly" zones) and got to you tube where he found this phenomenal video accenting the engineering skills of our more astute foreign competitors.  Let's face it folks, we here in America are turning out a choice crop of graduates from our public schools who will be well suited for a glorious career in the industrial cleaning and food service sectors.  When a high schooler here is incapable of calculating the change from a twenty dollar bill on a purchase of $17.50 WITHOUT the aid of a calculator and 45 minutes of free time, and some third grader in India is debating calculus theory with his instructor...we are in trouble. And no disrespect to the service sector,  I've worked in it for many years and have had a few jobs with my name on my shirt, but as many parents I aspire for my children to have less of a "rough go" then we have had.  But I am a man not burdened by illusions.  Hence why my 14 year old has to serve time at the shop banging on BMX'ers!  I'm preparing his vocational path.
And if there is ever a more suitable path for my sixteen year old, it will be computer related.  A chair, a desk, and a computer screen. Minimal interpersonal relations and a mini fridge fully stocked...he'll be a happy, productive camper.  Provided you don't expect results.
Oh am I a tad jaded?
But when the complexities of flushing a toilet, or the ability to remove ones shoes from the middle of the floor (not to mention wet towels) escapes him, one must pause to shudder in anticipation of their future.
But at least with lethargy comes one certainty...he won't have a reason to serve time in our great correctional facilities.
Once again, hence why the 14 year old serves time at the shop!
Yesterday was another surprise Tuesday!  As I had grown accustomed to this day being traditionally our slowest, the last couple of weeks it has proven to be "repair drop-off day! But I did manage to get out four new goodies!  pics below EXCEPT for a real sweet looking men's 26" Schwinn Sidewinder MTB!  Fully refurbed, got it for a sweet deal, so she's out cheap!
Well enjoy the video, and the pics as I gotta hurry my hinney to the Shop!
See ya soon!

ONLY $50.00!!

ONLY $70.00!!
ONLY $100.00!!

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