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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

He said Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!

So today was Miranda's 6 month Check up.   We put her up on the left, kick the tires and check under the hood.  She came out with flying colors aside from some friendly doctoral advice that shes a wee on the high end of the weight scale.  No kidding? Mommas thrown out back and aching shoulders could have testified to that. 
Now as we are  ecologically sound and devout environmentalists we of course have no car.  Most of the time this is no problem, but as the kiddos doctor is in Saint Pete, it is a fabulous five hour round trip on Florida's crack public transportation!
There's five hours of my life I'll never get back!
But as Miss Miranda slept the majority of the trip it gave my mind time to wander!
A dangerous proposition.
So after reading the daily newspaper (as I don't read the sports, want adds or advertising it left me with 3 minutes of gripping news reporting) I caught an article that surprise me.  A few days back I blogged about the current debt ceiling and budget and made an outlandish sideways remark that perhaps the congress should forgo their salary in lieu of their inability to come together and work out our financial woes.  Of course I had no real expectation that this would ever happen.
I was wrong.
And my (and others) ranting was taken to heart by....
A Republican.
And not just any Republican, but House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.  He states, and I quote 
“We will authorize a three-month temporary debt limit increase to give the Senate and House time to pass a budget. Furthermore, if the Senate or House fails to pass a budget in that time, members of Congress will not be paid by the American people for failing to do their job.”
Granted there is some question that this violates the 27th amendment, but think of it.  This could be a new and improved way of governance.  Make all governmental employees beholding to their tasks and the failure to perform them as mandated will have their income docked. I mean we do it for contractors.  Any builder or mason, electrician what have you that fails to complete a project in the allotted time is fined for every day after the deadline.
Ahhh.  The NEW America!
Needless to say, today's sojourn resulted in me not getting back to the shop until around three, and I have a three wheeler in full refurb mode for a customer and that took up the remainder of my day, so new goodies sadly.  I did however take in a nice looking Trek 2500, and a Mongoose XR-250 (one of the better ones) so once I finish up the three wheeler those will be coming out.  amongst all the other tempting sweeties!
So with that, Mama has agreed to engage me in my favorite past time...
So I'm off!  Y'all have a great night!!!


  1. I know, right? Shocker. It feels gimmicky, though; there's got to be something to it that's fishy.

  2. simply put...PR. The Republican party ralizes they bet on the wrong horse. Their meandering on fiscal matters around the election was simply a delay tactic as well as imposing the cliff in the first place. They believed their own hype that Obama would be a single term president and once Romney was in they'd ride in on their white horse and make sweeping changes. WHOOPS! Now, through Obama's brilliant word play he laid the whole fiaco in the rightful lap, and now they gotta back peddle so the American public doesn't completely abandon them. Just look at their popularity footing. Dismal.
