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Thursday, December 20, 2012

What If....?

I like to think I'm a rational thinking individual.  I primarily don't believe in that which science can not substantiate, and the realms of magic and supernatural are sequestered to the confines of fiction.
Given the significance (however ludicrous it may be) of tomorrow there is a little nagging doubt coming from some small corner of my psyche.
"What if all the wacko "the end is near" types are right and tomorrow IS the end of everything?"
I actually caught myself today casually running through the implausibility of it all.  Reaffirming myself of the complete unlikelihood of someone thousands of years ago predicting the end of time...down to the last day. know, there's still that nagging doubt.
As it has been very slow in the plaza the last few days I wonder if there are other folks out there that may not think the same thing.  Maybe building a bunker or something?  Well all I know is more then likely there are gonna be a LOT of believers running around on the 22nd hurriedly trying to fill their Christmas shopping list!
Ah HA!
Well as it was quiet once again I spent the day...OK, I won't lie.  Spent the morning and early afternoon on facebook engaged in a heated debate about gun control and school safety.  Me, a major left liberal and two major right wingers!
Did I mention it got heated?
BUT, as further proof that there is good in all, it never got nasty or personal.
Wish all politicians could learn from us "common folk"
Did get busy in the afternoon though, and put out a sweet looking ladies cruiser!  Check out pics below.
So that's gonna do it for now, as Mamma and I have to go and do the Christmas shopping.
Yes...I know..last minute.  But if our kids had an inclination that there was goodies hidden in the house they'd  tear it apart looking!
Good night and see y'all tomorrow!
ONLY $85.00!!!

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