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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Where Have all The Good Buys Gone...

Saturday is USUALLY a good day for buying.  Only bought 1 bike today. ONE!  Ah well.  Sweet though! A battery motorized Schwinn Stingray Chopper, the black one.  At first bought it for scrap because was told the motor was fried but the body was nice.  Just retro-grade it to pedal.  but Zombie-Boy was tinkering and realized it was just bad batteries!  SOOOO, gonna have a real sweet motorized chopper out soon (watch these pages for pics!)
And While typing my daily Whine and Cheese party one of my regular scroungers just came in with a nice XR-75 Mongoose he picked up at a yard sale.  Needs work (its a Wal-mart bike, you ALWAYS have to re-build them AFTER you buy 'em) so once we get it right (tonight, I'll stay late to make nice-nice for tomorrow) it'll be out all pretty!
Loads 'O nice folk in today!  The loving Father who needed to get another bike for his college son whom was the victim of a far to familiar crime, bike theft (A Giant no less) picked up the Huffy Savannah.  True a slight step down (not maligning Huffy mind you, they've always been fine bikes for me) from a Giant, but hes a rather tall lad (about 6'6") and needed something big framed.  And a BIG thank you to the VERY understanding young lady who had special ordered a bike for her boyfriend and upon retrieving it today fell victim to an odd epidemic we've had in the last two days...Bad Freewheels!  Don't know why but we've encountered 6 in the last two days (that's more then we see in a year!)  So after her ride left she was stranded here waiting for us to repair it, ended up having to put on a new chain and crank as well (don't ask me how they got damaged) but my son Logan kept her company as she waited telling tales of YU-GI-OH.  Yes that's right the inevitable evolution of his obsessions have gone from Pokemon to this!  Believe me we have gone the gambit with three of our other sons (I'm just waiting for them to discover Magic, so I can break out my decks to play!) sure beats the other childhood obsessions (going from Teletubbies to Barney....euch!).  Thank you to the fine gentleman whom has given me the pleasure of re-furbing his old Schwinn road bike.  A real Gem.  After three years of hanging in his garage he has chosen to taking up ridding again (a big BOOH-YAH to him!) and I'm thrilled to be part of his transition!  Oh and the OH-SO-CUTE couple whom came in to purchase her very first road bike, for a triathlon next week, she picked the sweet AMERICAN made AMF for her first time out!  Happy trails and I hope you beat the pants off all the $6000.00 bikes you are sure to encounter (wouldn't that be a HOOT!).  Oh and our Buddy Dan and his lovely wife who came in to pick up a (shared) bike for her and their son, they choose the Ultra-slick Polished aluminum Mongoose that went out yesterday!  And don't worry Dan I WON"T forget the Navigator, we start on it tomorrow!
My gosh, as I look around the shop is a MESS again!  the charity bikes FINALLY went out today so that freed up some room!  And Zombie-Boy and I hammered out a few more to the showroom.  He's working on a 24" Tarantula MTB now, should look sweet (just gotta make sure he tightens down all the nut's, cables and bolts (don't worry, he'll get the hang of it!)  And I'm happy to have helped the young lady get her trash found RM up and running but it still needs a little TLC! (freebies for the regulars) I hope I didn't forget anyone (oh yea, Chip if your listening, this makes two Sat's in a row you haven't popped in to say hello...just a gentle nudge)
OH YEA, and the most important, awe-inspiring, gut wrenching time-altering news)  As new relationships blossom in our little corner of heaven, it is inevitable if you know or work for me and my little brood you get sucked into the extended family, can't be helped, and we get to learn more about you and today I discovered a little more about Zombie-Boy not only is he an aficionado of Monty Python, and Mel  Brooks films (but he'd never seen Producers! (I remedied that))and Magic, the Gathering but he is a fan of...DUM,DUM,DAAA!!!  Mystery Science Theatre 3000!!!
(A moment of pause whilst I adjust my accouterments...)
And to top it off, he has a bevy of the CLASSIC show...ON VHS!!!!
(be still my beating heart!) It has been YEARS since I have been able to watch it.  So needless to say when he informed me of this I instantly beseeched him to run home and gather a smattering of tapes to fill our busy day with hysteria, hence why to any of you visiting this afternoon heard Maniacal laughter emanating from the Dungeon, twas I in the throes of orgasmic humor!!!  And Needless to say as my older boys have NEVER (shame on me) even heard of the show, I will be stopping to pick up movie snacks and we will be up REAL LATE tonight splitting our sides watching it (while mommas away...) So without further ADO, I gotta get that XR-75 done so's I kin git Outta heah!!
P.S. (check out the last two blogs for updates on whats still available)

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you might be interested to know that Elvira has a new show on now at 9:00pm on Saturdays on WTTA (channel 15 where I am). Elvira's Movie Macabre! Same kinda bad movies and same sexy/sarcastic hostess with the mostest. You're welcome! I like what you are doing, our area needs more of this effort. Good luck and hang in there!
