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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Justification of Existence

Oh today was a joy! (nope, no sarcasm this time) Started the morning off in the usual way, and went to bed last night in the best way! (oh pick your mind up outta' the gutter and dust it off, I ain't talkin' 'bout dat) No, after dinner last night I had a real good time with Izy.  She's starting to get real animated so we were nose to nose last night for awhile.  I talking to her and her trying to mimic my mouth movements (I swear she said "hello") and God! does she have the cutest wide mouth smile!  Melts even this old bears heart! Having to tear myself away and shuffle the other little ones off to bed, I sat down on the bed to change into my jammys and the next thing I know its 5.30 am and time to get up!  Bless my wife's heart she just let me sleep and took night duty, God love 'er!  So up and out to school, popping back in for coffee with the wife and off to work early!  No ride today had to much to do. 
We put out 5 bikes today, which was fun! Haven't gotten that much accomplished in a few weeks.  Having someone younger, and capable in the shop has helped to put a fire under my butt! Ended up selling three of them as well (I think that's called a zero balance, kinda' like my bank account!)   Several more points of interest, yesterday while on my ride, I made the bad fashion choice of wearing khaki shorts.  You do not want to put anything important in the top pocket when you ride as they have a tendency to fall out, like...say...oh a CELLPHONE! Yea. Well upon arriving back at the shop. I realized I was screwed.  So a short trip to Metro and I had a new phone ($60.00 I didn't want to spend).  Lo and behold I get a call, TODAY that someone has found my cellphone and the wonderful young gentleman rode down and delivered it, I thank you very much. It's like Karmic blow-back!  God way of telling me "hey, Numb nut NO KHAKI!"
Am I digressing?
Where the heck was I any way....?
Oh yea! Today was a joy, had a young man come in with his Aunt and Uncle (there from Vermont, god love 'em) and were looking for tubes for their nephews12" bike.  His grandmother had bought it for him for his third birthday (tomorrow) from the Goodwill or somethin'  But it was a Dora the Explorer bike.  OK I know at least he's got somethin' to ride.  But as it turns out I am out of 12" tubes (having a hard time getting them in) so they were, needless to say disheartened but then the three year old (Logan, same name as my 8 year old (both named after Wolverine, how cool is that)) happens upon the 12 Huffy Rock It with trainers I had in the show room, cool little bike red, blue,black, and yellow (with flames, very BOY) he's pushing it around (hasn't ridden a bike yet) and they ask how much is that.  Well it's only $20.00.  Well they just gushed!  I gave 'em a little in trade for the Dora bike.  They want to swap out training wheels as the Huffys are smaller, and my wife tells me I HAVE to change out the petals as 1 of them is slightly cracked.  Well here I am changing the training wheels, Kaleb's changing the pedals, the Uncles holding the bike and Logan's handing us tools.  We had are own little pit crew going here!  Well once its ready, Kaleb gives him, pointers on how to mount the bike and before you can say "Bob's your Uncle" Little Logan's Off like a shot!  Angela's all giddy and smiles, the Aunt and uncle are all teary eyed.  It was so COOL! Logan's Pic (with their permission) is on the right, is he a cute kid or what!
As hectic as it can get, and as scary as slow days and worries of finances and such can make you wonder and doubt...this is why we do what we do.  This is our justification of existence.

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