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Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

Twas the night before Christmas,
and all through the house,
all the children were whining,
ticking off me and the spouse!

OK... not to much really.  Surprisingly they were rather well behaved (mind you "well behaved" means no collateral or structural damage, nor major bodily injury has occurred) Mom and Dad popped in some Christmas movie and snuck off to the bedroom to wrap the final gifts acquired in a hurried flurry of activity this afternoon.  You know the whole "wait...he's got more gifts then him!" not taking into account the cost of said gift, it's the volume that has to match! And as always every year my lovely wife and I agree that as times are tight we will focus on kiddos and Mom and Dad will have to settle for a gift certificate for 1 hour of quality alone time redeemable on demand, but then sneak out at the last minute and buy stuff for each other anyway. Although this year I saw her wrapped stash and think she out did me this year.  Shortly after the ending of "A Christmas Story" we heard a moment of silence then the annoying crooning of JigglyPuff and we realized someone had snuck in one of their many "Pokemon" videos (I have NO IDEA who bought these bloody things!) so after wrapping I came out and at my own personal bodily risk started my own "Mystery Science Theater 3000" spoofing of their entertainment choice.  They were laughing but offended at the same time.  A viscous maiming of yours truly ensued quickly squelched by the appearance of a scolding Mom.
At this point we settled down with Christmas cake cookies and some egg nog while dad performed our one and only true family holiday tradition, the reading of "The Tomten".  Now this isn't necessarily a "Christmas" story but it takes place in a New England like setting and has marvelous illustrations and what makes it even more poignant is that fact I am reading the very same copy my father read to me every Christmas eve since I was four.  It holds very special sentimental value to me as I was not an only child but this was a traditional rite that was shared strictly between my father and I, alone in my room as I snuggled to bed awaiting Christmas morn.  I however expanded the audience to include all the children.
So they are now snuggled up (well except for Elijah and the two youngest girls as they are a wee bit of the night owls) and mom and dad await them passing out for Santa to visit.
So with that I would like to thank each and every one of you who made this year a lot of fun and we wish you and yours the very best of Christmases and hope for a good new year!

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