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Friday, January 21, 2011


OK, to any of our readers who smoke (no, no don't worry I REFUSE to be come of one of those preachy EX-smokers) But I want to give you a real reality slap that my wife brought up the other night that made the suffering of quitting a little easier.  She pondered out loud about how much money we may have saved by quitting?  An easy equation.  The cost per pack multiplied by how much we smoked per day.  She has not smoked in 21 days X 2 packs a day X $7.25 per pack = $304.50!  Me 9 days X 3 packs per day X $7.25 a pack = $195.75!!
That's $500.25 we have saved in 21 days!
An average of $166.75 per week!
That's $8671.00 a year!!!
No wonder we were always broke!!

Info to chew on.  What could you do with an extra 9 grand a year!


  1. Yep. Calculate that back and figure how much you literally burned over the years.... Scary.

    What you should do is actually PAY yourself that money - put it in a jar so you can SEE it.

  2. actually thought of that. Unfortunatelyu any money left anywhere near childrens reach....usally dissapears!
