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Monday, December 13, 2010

questions ,answers, salutations and thanks!

Though the cold doth bite at your backside each time we go outside, we have had many visitors over the last few days and I thank you for braving the elements.  In particular (not to exclude any others, mind you) Ron, who last night brought us in a very unique gift.  As he apparently has moved into smaller digs, and has minimal room for an extensive framed photograph collection, he donated an AWESOME photo he took some time ago.  In a little antique shop in parts unknown (to us) he came upon an old bike in the attic space of said shop and snapped some photos.  The composition is quite spectacular in a simplistic way.  I offer you the shot below.  Thank you Ron for the wonderful addition to our (sparse) decor!

Also, thanks to the Christmas shoppers for not waiting to the last minute!  Hope your nephew enjoys the pick!  And the young lady picking out bikes for ALL her kids, hope the trail riding family outings are a joy!  And to the young man choosing to utilize his (advanced) Christmas money to purchase a bike for his (deserving) Friend who will no longer have to walk to school, My hat goes off to you discovery of the TRUE meaning of Christmas at such a young age!
On to productivity!  Yesterday was a bit of a lazy day for Jay and I.  Whether it be the cold weather or the incessant pace we work at around here, we kinda got sluggish!  Ended up putzin at our projects to break for Scrabble games, and paying way to much attention to the copy of "Gremlins" I picked up at a yard sale (hadn't watched it in years!)  But, Jays almost done with a SHARP looking Haro MTB re-paint, Matt's back to working on a Trek Navigator, and I have another 3-wheeler about 75% done (java brown, wood grain and antique gold...very ostentatious!)
Now to answer an interesting question I got the other day that I'm suprised had never been asked before "why isn't a blog for a bike shop...more about bikes? How to, and such?"
Well, truth be told, we are going to be working on a series of short videos about how we do things around here (but in our own style, let you folks see how much of a bad comedy this place is!) however this blog is just an extension of what we use to post on "Craigslist" before we got flagged away, and it has always been just a weak attempt to entertain.  See we got into the business 'causewe needed to eat!  Don't get me wrong I love bikes, been riding for years but for transportation. An ecological and economical choice.  I am a fanatic about my wife, my kids, movies and coffee (as if you hadn't guessed) but not bikes.  I can't tell you the finishing at ANY bike race, or measurement specifics of spoke lengths, etc.  I wouldn't try.  I don't deal in misinformation (that's the federal governments job) I u really love my job and enjoy the folks it enables me to meet.  After all if it aint' fun it aint' worth doing!
Hope that answers the question.
Well hope to see y'all soon
P.S.  Check out the AWESOME Christmas decorations Zombie-boy made outta' RE-Cycled parts!

it lights up, just couldn't find the extension cord!

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