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Monday, January 4, 2016


Sometimes, there's just no pleasing people!  LOL!
They don't want to come out when its hot....or cold!  Friday, being very temperate, was a bluster of activity!  Sent four rides out to new homes, and brought in a slew of repairs to boot!  Then...the cold front came in that evening, and Saturday was quite quiet, although I took advantage of that and banged out four newbies, with another in my rack.  Yes...I'll remember to post pics at the end.  Maybe even update the "whats here" column while I'm at it!  Sunday was a wash.  Saturday night was a LONG night, and I was very under the weather the next morning.  Apparently, something building up in my innards decided to reveal itself that evening and knock me for a loop, so I was pretty much a paperweight Sunday, and spent the entirety of the day keeping the desk chair weighed down.  Hopefully, the long nights sleep I had last night has purged a goodly amount of poison from me, and I can work today.  The ride in my rack is a real nice older ladies Trek that I'd like to finish up.  Here's hoping!
As we still have a plethora of goodies to pick from, I could potentially be busy all day...
Okay, best get motivated.  See y'all soon!


  1. So here's a crazy idea, Steven: Why not post the prices with the bike photos on this blog?

    People always overestimate the price unless it's shown. So show 'em! Can't hurt. Might help.

  2. And hey, by the way, are those new Work Orders okay? I'm puppy-sitting this week, and won't get out much (I've a lecture to give tomorrow, that's my big afternoon out all week), so let me know if you need any tweaks on those!

    Tweak I do, twerk I do not.

  3. sheets are great! Thanks so much, now I dont have to flip through thirty pages in an old notebook. As far as prices, once i get around to rembering to bring my lap tops power cord baxk to the shop...will do!

  4. Glad the work orders worked out- Now make sure those low, low prices are visible EVERYWHERE! (On line and in the store.) Visible from the sidewalk outside!

    See youse next week.
