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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Yes...the salad comes with the dinner, but the bake potato is extra...

Fingers crossed and knocking on wood!  Two days and no rain!  YAHOO!!!  Another sunny blue sky when I finally rolled out of bed this morning...or was it this afternoon?  Anyway, it was wonderful to see!  I had no idea just how ridiculous it had gotten out there.  Our neighbor, Pat at the computer store lives up in Holiday and had no way to get to work for two days due to severe flooding.  The aftermath, as the waters receded, was destroyed roads that make massive sink holes look like potholes!  All our condolences to those folks and what they are going to have to endure while waiting for the problem to be fixed!
But, a I said, the upshot is, the rain looks like it has gone away for awhile giving us a much needed reprieve.
And folks seem to be taking advantage of it!  As predicted, two good days in row and folks are starting to venture out again, as we had a couple repairs come in yesterday, getting ready, optimistically, for heading out and enjoying the clear skies.  Even a few more came in today, so the hope is that that will be an upward trend!  (HINT,HINT!!) 
Angi picked up a gem yesterday as well!  The rides a little rough, but she got a sweet Dawes road bike that could make a very sweet single speed for some lucky person.  She also got the pleasure of checking out a GORGEOUS Masi road bike a gent brought in with the desire to put it on consignment. As pleasing as it was to look at (and for drool over, she's the road bike enthusiasts, not me) we had to pass.  He was looking for a cool grand, and that's just not our cup of tea.  Sad thing is, he had taken it to a couple of other shops in town, and they snubbed their nose at it stating "we don't buy used bikes".  Of course, they referred him to us.  He also tried a couple pawn shops, but the best offer was only $200.00.  The reality is, we have tried higher end bikes before, thinking their may be a hidden market we were not reaching, but in the end, it just backfired.  Folks normally accustomed to seeing bikes in the under $100.00 range, would take one look at the price tag, choke, sputter, and guffaw, and in the worse cases, turn around and walk out thinking we were just another "boutique bike shop" that felt we were "all that and a bag of spoke nipples".  So, no, we'd rather keep selling $80.00 bikes by the rack load and leave the rare and occasional big ticket sale to the other guys!
Today, I have a couple repairs to bang out, then I'm gonna take a closer look at the Dawes.  Oh, and for those of you more literate on the Techno side of things, Angi has revamped and restarted the "Recycle Bicycles" Facebook page for those of you wanting to follow a more up to the minute relating of our exploits, a well as starting a page on Instagram (apparently, some folks have gone beyond verbal and written communication, and now rely on pictographic't that an evolutional back slide?) named, oddly enough "Recycle Bicycles"...go figure.  So check it out and like it..or be our friend...or whatever the lingo is!
OKAY!  So NOW, I'm going to drive everyone here loony, pop in a copy of something MST3K and get some work an hour and a half!
SHEESH!  Where did the morning go!?
See ya soon!

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