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Saturday, August 25, 2012

I Sick of Issac

Alright. Not the catchiest catch phrase.
To all my peep's have no worries.  We picked up supplies just in case the storm gets serious but I don't expect it to be more then wind and rain.  However it is a real pain as whenever the sky clouds up or rain drop falls anyone thinking about biking...stops.  We did however field several repairs today and we thank you all so much for your trust!  Also finished up the Gary Fisher build.  This one would make a good downhill!  A little more weight in the front due to the addition of the suspension but she still can move!  And what a tight shift!  Very sweet.  Also put out another ladies cruiser, this one a simple single speed Daily Banger Special!  Haven't had enough of those lately.  Which brings to topic a need for a mild professional apology.  As much as we try and keep our prices down and put out an equal amount of inexpensive rides along with the higher price rods, as aforementioned it has been a trifle slow not only in the bikes leaving but new one's coming in as well.  We have found we have been dipping more and more into the "oh-these-need-more-work-then-we-have-time-for-now" stock.  These are the ones that require more then a refurb so obviously they cost a little more.  Hopefully once this storm clears more folks will be cleaning out their garages
Oh speaking about garages, had some folks bring in a unique little garage find, a genuine clown bike!  This one will make a cool toy for someone once we get it cleaned up.
So we are gonna wrap it up for the night as we wind down but we'll leave you with the latest goodies!

ONLY $95.00!!!

1 comment:

  1. Steven-

    Hang in there. What you probably haven't seen lately is the price of gasoline creeping ever upward. Premium is at $3.99/9 almost everywhere around town today as regular is bouncing along on either side of $3.70. It seems to be going up a few cents every week, and if the Isaac that you're sick of hits the oil rigs in the northern Gulf this week, you can bet those prices will jump big time next week.

    Now: Tell me more about that clown bike. I wokred on one that was locally owned some years ago. I wonder...


    Uncle Chippie
