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Monday, May 9, 2011

Yep...It's Monday Allright!

And it's 10.40 in the Am and I'm STILL sitting in my Jammie's waiting to get to work.  Oh don't worry, the shops open, but without me.  SEEMS that the directions "Put the close in the dryer", SHOULD have been followed by the directions "the TURN IT ON!"
Awoke this morning to find my laundry...soggy.  Yes, 'twas my fault for not checking! But I DO NOT think the world is ready to see me working in my Superman Jammie's.  Hey, at least they're not Underoos (they don't come in my size...I've looked) So Now I've sat through Dora, Diego and Max and Ruby, and quite frankly found myself getting into it (look out for the Sharks Diego!) A sure sign of parenting gone wild.
I hope everyone had a good Mom's day.  It's nice having Sundays off now, as i can actually do things for the wife (which earns brownie points for me, and avoids the inevitable "why don't we ever do anything "special" on MY day" discussions) But seriously it was quite fun.  And as always Sunday dinner (hand made with love by Daddy and his "little helpers") degraded into a free for all.  The Family dynamic around here is one of constant challenges for the Alpha Male position (and quite frankly if Elijah gets ANY bigger, or I get any older i may have to leave the pride and go off to die) but it's all in good fun (except for the purple nurples, they sting!)
So Yesterday, Mom gave herself her day off from the house and ran the shop (hey, she insisted) and they were quite busy!  Sold the Trek 720, and the Schwinn Hybrid as well as many re-pairs (thanks for the continued faith, folks!) And also thanks to all the visitors who came in to see our little Wonderland after reading the blog.  Angela HATES having to tell me that!  She thinks that as a Leo, it only fuels my vanity and ego.  I just think it reaffirms my confidence in the reality of my greatness, and isn't it a good thing to know oneself?
OOP, get out yer waders!
She just says that "I love the sound of my own voice", but that's ridiculous!  I mean...I'm typing!
So anyway, Hopefully my clothes are clean, 'cause I want to get to work.  If not, stay tuned for the Re-cycle Players version of "The Emperors New Clothes"

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