Would you my,
could you be my,
won't you be...my neighbor!
Allrighty-roo! What a FANTABULOUS day. Granted, we are STILL having AC issues, but I'm persevering. I say I, as apparently my erstwhile compatriots have not seen fit to arrive (if at all) yet. They have been rather flaky of late, and my lovely wife is tending the home fires, whilst attempting to "encourage" the children to clean their ever growing messes. I refer you to the inevitability of disastrous consequence met by the languishing doldrums of the summer vacation!
IE; Kids get bored. Kids find things to destroy.
Remember summers when WE were kids? I don't know about anyone else, but growing up in the 70's, The "Brady Bunch" not withstanding, my parents didn't take two months off in THEIR busy schedules to ensure that I and my sister were entertained. Oh sure the occasional Sunday we'd go to Kingston Lake to canoe, with a side trip to Bolton's for a Burger and the BEST FREAKIN' onion rings...EVER! I think once or twice we went to Canoby (sp?) Lake Park (where swimming out to the boulder was forbidden...but attempted!) And the occasional tryst to downtown Boston (where my enduring LOVE for that city began and perseveres to this day!) But other then that each day we were left to our vices, as were all the other (few) neighborhood kids. You got up, had your breakfast gave a quick goodbye to mom, and then promptly disappeared! Not to bee seen again until the twilight hours approached, and you knew that you were do back home. Even in the densely wooded, rural neighborhood of Brentwood, NH (now so GROSSLY overdeveloped with stately overpriced homes) you knew you were late when the relative silence was broken by the drifting calls of "Dinnertime!" alighting from various kitchen doors. We did everything from bikes, to rock skipping at the rivers edge, suicide run from the sandpits rim (DO NOT try and turn your handlebars going down THAT hill) tree climbing...Speaking of tree climbing! Here's a fun game to try next time you're up North! Can't do it down here, as you don't have Birch trees. Very abundant in New England! Did this all the time as kids. It;s called "Deadmans Swing".
First find a young birch tree, not to big around and maybe 15 or so feet high (Oh you need a few people to play this game.
Grab a rope or cord, has to be strong then climb up the tree and tie the rope (GOOD) a few feet from the top.
Throw rope down to your compatriots and hug the tree REAL GOOD from just below where you tied off the rope, and have them pull the tree as far down to the ground as they can (RE: HOLD....ON.....TIGHT!)
At the count of three....they simultaneously let go of the rope!
Did I mention, HOLD ON TIGHT! See how many times you can ride the tree back and forth without getting thrown off!!
2 pointers.
Don't have them pull tree ALL the way down, as I said, tree's can be VERY springy, and with your added weight SOME will spring all the way to the other side to the same level. Imagine a HUGE fly swatter....and you're the fly (trust me...It'll knock the wind outta ya, and make you walk funny for a week!)
Also. Be sure the direction the tree is pointing in is relatively clear, and provides the possibility (if necessary) of a soft landing. We usually did it during the winter, and aimed a snow drift!
This is also a fun game to play with the annoying neighborhood kid. You know, the one who knows everything and won't stop bugging everyone. The secret is have him go first, and tell him to aim for the snowbank. Also rename the game "Catapult" Not that I ever did such a rotten thing...*snicker*
Yesterday was a fun (albeit HOT) day! Put out only 1 new goodie though. But it's a PEACH! Also met MANY new and wonderful folks! Special shout out to Victor, and his lovely friend who came in here after being re-fered to us by "another" bike shop. Seems they brought in the bike (pic below...the aforementioned PEACH) to them seeking re-pairs, and upon realizing they would have to pay the price for a NEW bike to get that one fixed, or take out a small loan to BUY a new bike there, asked if they new of anyone selling used bikes. Which blessedly brought them here. Upon seeing the Dawes, they fell in love and traded the Diamondback to boot! Thanks for all the kind words and swell (after CONSIDERABLE re-build ) new addition to our showroom! Mario and Ron, a couple of "Old School" blokes came in, and after a comedy of errors (and some agitation by yours truly) in re-gards to the Iron Horse we had out that CLEARLY shouldn't have been considered "done" , they settled upon (or rather made the better choice) for the Schwinn Cruiser we had. Thanks SO MUCH gentleman for your patience and understanding!
As the day wained on (and my ankle throbbed) I had to temporarily abandoned the next project I had in my bay to limp home, shower and rest. Unfortunately I missed meeting Jim from Tampa. A very enthusiastic young man, who had called me three times over the last week, VERY interested in the Vintage Western Flyer and as he could not get away from work until yesterday, wanted to make sure we still had it. I am glad he was able to get it, as I know it has gone to a good home to someone who appreciates its significance and uniqueness! And as a bonus we got a really nice Bottecchia Road Bike in trade! Which he'll be happy to know has already been sold (pre-rebuild) to a young couple who came in first thing this morning, as well as buying the Fuji Ace, with thanks to Chip! Chip happened to be in here to visit, and do some horse trading, just after opening, and as I HAD to go next door to get my morning infusion of caffeine, manned the shop for me. Seems they came into look, and being Chip educated them on the bikes.
Had a pleasant visit and FINALLY got to meet Underdog, and more importantly RIDE IT! No where near as difficult as I had anticipated, however, the toe clips he fabricated for it, although an understandable addition, quickly proved a hindrance as I could not get them over my shoes. BUT, he will be removing them and I hope to try it again soon!
All right, I have blathered enough, and aside from mentioning that tonight....Green Lantern!!! I bid you a fond farewell!
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Fully Re-furbed Diamondback Outlook
ONLY $150.00!!! |
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